Showing 1 - 25 of 1,233 Results
Elementary Lessons In English For Home And School Use by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781103366255 List Price: $23.99
Sanskrit Grammar by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9780486431369 List Price: $29.95
Christians in Iraq after the Muslim Conquest by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781593336028 List Price: $29.00
Atharva-Veda Samhita First Half: Introduction, Books 1-7 by Whitney, William Dwight, La... ISBN: 9781169364066 List Price: $48.76
Atharva-Veda samhita; translated with a critical and exegetical commentary by William Dwight... by Whitney, William Dwight, La... ISBN: 9781176206014 List Price: $46.75
A Sanskrit grammar, including both the classical language, and the older dialects, of Veda a... by William Dwight Whitney ISBN: 9781172778102 List Price: $39.75
Oriental and linguistic studies .. by William Dwight Whitney ISBN: 9781172870097 List Price: $35.75
Contributions from the Atharva-veda to the theory of Sanskrit verbal accent by William Dwight Whitney ISBN: 9781172891849 List Price: $15.75
Oriental and linguistic studies .. by William Dwight Whitney ISBN: 9781172940578 List Price: $36.75
Max Muller and the Science of Language : A Criticism (1892) by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781168995667 List Price: $27.16
Roots, Verb-Forms, and Primary Derivatives of the Sanskrit Language : A Supplement to His Sa... by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781169306240 List Price: $34.36
Century Dictionary : An encyclopedic lexicon of the English Language by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781176253865 List Price: $27.75
Sanskrit Grammar, Including Both the Classical Language, and the Older Dialects, of Veda and... by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781176284937 List Price: $43.75
Compendious German Grammar by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781176387034 List Price: $27.75
Life and Growth of Language : An outline of linguistic Science by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781176460829 List Price: $32.75
Century Dictionary : An encyclopedic lexicon of the English Language by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781176535534 List Price: $27.75
Century Dictionary : An encyclopedic lexicon of the English Language by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781176535251 List Price: $29.75
Life and Growth of Language : An outline of linguistic Science by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781171537793 List Price: $31.75
Brief German Grammar, with References to His Larger Grammar by Whitney, William Dwight ISBN: 9781171633907 List Price: $22.75
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia; a Work of Universal Reference in All Departments of Knowl... by Whitney, William Dwight, Sm... ISBN: 9781172040407 List Price: $60.75
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia; a Work of Universal Reference in All Departments of Knowl... by Whitney, William Dwight, Sm... ISBN: 9781172040421 List Price: $60.75
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia; a Work of Universal Reference in All Departments of Knowl... by Whitney, William Dwight, Sm... ISBN: 9781172040414 List Price: $60.75
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia; a Work of Universal Reference in All Departments of Knowl... by Whitney, William Dwight, Sm... ISBN: 9781172040476 List Price: $56.75
Century Dictionary and Cyclopedia; a Work of Universal Reference in All Departments of Knowl... by Whitney, William Dwight, Sm... ISBN: 9781172040445 List Price: $60.75
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